Myanmar Unresolved Political Development: A Threat to ASEAN Unity and Democracy

  • Hendra Manurung
Keywords: Myanmar, democracy, political instability, regional security, ASEAN, unity


This research aims to explain current Myanmar political instability due to the recent military coup d’état on February 1, 2021, led by General Senior Min Aung Hlaing follow with Aung San Suu Kyi and other pro-democracy elite leaders arrests. Domestically, up to present time, after the military coup, most Burmese supporters of Myanmar's democratization such medical doctors, teachers, engineers, traders, civilian political leaders, and university students balked and staged massive demonstrations against the military coup and demanded the return of civilian government authority by the military junta government. Indonesia and other ASEAN countries will never allow the Myanmar military junta to rule until elections are held to bring the country back to the democratic path, one of which is by having a representative government. This research revealed that this unexpected Myanmar phenomenal political situation has impact on Southeast Asia regional security and ASEAN Unity.

How to Cite
Manurung, H. (2021). Myanmar Unresolved Political Development: A Threat to ASEAN Unity and Democracy. European Journal of Science, Innovation and Technology, 1(2), 1-15. Retrieved from
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